Wednesday, March 15, 2023

 Cooking for toddlers and growing children presents some unique challenges along the way. While you want to provide them with those ever so important nutrients, it is often difficult to get them to eat those foods that are best for their growing bodies. We are all probably well aware of the food pyramid and the number of servings our children need of healthy grains, proteins, fruits, vegetables, and calcium products. Getting them to eat these nourishing products is another matter all together unfortunately.

The good news when cooking for children is that you do not necessarily need to incorporate all the important nutrients into dinner food. The truth of the matter is that raw cucumbers, which are thinly sliced and sprinkled with salt make a much healthier snack than potato chips and many little ones love this for a snack. You get a vegetable in their system and they are getting a treat at snack time. The same holds true for melon and cantaloupes. These make excellent snacks and are a much-needed fruit in these important diets for little ones. 

When it comes to cooking for little ones, however man, woman, and child cannot live on macaroni and cheese alone. It's been tried and tested and failed miserably.  Try mixing things up whenever you can while keeping meals kid friendly. It is important that you try to introduce whole grains, proteins, and vegetables whenever possible at meal times around your home. The good news is that there are many prepackaged convenience foods that are introducing whole grains like never before in order to meet the growing demand of consumers for healthier meals that can be prepared with little fan fare or fuss. 

Cooking healthier meals for kids is now easier than ever before. Fresh fruits and vegetables are best whenever possible. However, if you cannot manage fresh, you should avoid canned (fruits especially as they are often swimming in sugary sweetness) whenever possible. Frozen is far preferable to canned when it comes to both fruit and vegetables, as there are often fewer additives. 

If you need some great meal ideas that are kid friendly and easy on the budget, you can often find recipes readily available online. You can meet your child's calcium and dairy product needs by adding milk as the drink of choice for meals or a slice of cheese melted over their favorite vegetable. Ice cream, yogurt, and pudding also make excellent calcium rich treats, in moderation of course. 

Encourage your children to try new things rather than cooking the same few meals over and over again that you know they are likely to eat. This prevents two things from happening. First of all, it helps you not to get bored when cooking for your children. Second, it allows your children to try new flavors and textures and form opinions about them. By trying new things they will learn not only about the things they dislike but also the foods they really enjoy. 

You should also keep in mind that your children are people too when cooking for them. Just as you have foods you like and dislike they also will develop tastes over time. Those tastes may also change in time as well. It's frustrating, I know, to spend time and money preparing a meal only to have your child push the plate away and refuse to even try the meal. For this, I recommend enlisting their help in the kitchen. Children are much more likely to eat the things they had a hand in preparing as a matter of accomplishment and pride. It's psychological warfare I know but all is fair in war and dinnertime. 

Perhaps the greatest gift you can give yourself (much greater than the help in the kitchen) by 'forcing' your little ones to help prepare dinner is that they will learn to better appreciate your culinary efforts and eat peacefully rather than sullenly. This tactic has met with great success in my household when cooking for little ones. I hope you will enjoy the same degree of success as well. 

 Most people balk at the idea of cooking for large crowds of people. With images of huge stockpots boiling over and becoming chained to a hot stove and oven for countless hours on end, it's no wonder that so many people avoid the idea of cooking food for large crowds with more tenacity than they avoid being last in the dinner line. 

The good news is that it doesn't have to be the frightening proposition that so many make it out to be. When it comes to cooking for a large crowd, the planning phase is the most important. You absolutely must plan your meals when feeding a large group of people. This goes far beyond the notion of spaghetti or fried chicken as the meals you are planning. You need to know how many servings you will need. While obviously you never know how hungry people will be or who will eat how much when it comes to cooking for a large crowd it is a good idea to always plan for a few extra mouths in case some need a little more than you may think (you might want to double servings for teen and college aged men that will be dining). 

You need to know at least a general number of servings to prepare and adjust your recipe in order to accommodate those needs. Some people find it much simpler if they can double or triple recipes rather than scaling them to specific serving sizes. If this works best for you then by all means incorporate this practice when cooking for crowds. One thing you must be aware of is that you will need to include in order to create the meal you are planning.

Having the proper ingredients and the proper amounts of ingredients is more important in bulk recipes than is often necessary in smaller recipes as there is less leeway when it comes to creating the proper consistency. You should keep this in mind when making purchases for your cooking for a large crowd event.

Some people find the best route to take when it comes to cooking for crowds is to keep everything as close to their normal cooking routine as possible. This would mean that instead of cooking one really huge pan of lasagna for a triple sized crowd, they would instead cook three normal sized pans of lasagna. This accomplishes two things really and is something you may wish to keep in mind despite the extra time spent in the kitchen.

First of all, if something goes, wrong only one third of the meal is in shambles rather than the entire dinner. Second, you have a greater possibility of finding consistency issues before the baking begins if you are using measurements and cooking containers that you are familiar with and comfortable using. It is always best to discover errors and omissions sooner rather than later when it comes to cooking as very few ingredients can be properly added after the fact. 

While cooking for crowds may send some into dizzying spells with heart palpitations it helps if you take a few deep breaths, sit down, plan your menu, plan your meals, make a list of your ingredients, and cook in a manner that is comfortable for you. If you would rather get it all over with in one fell swoop, then by all means do just that. If you are more comfortable making multiple dishes of family favorites then that is probably going to be the best course of action in order to meet your large crowd cooking needs. 

Most importantly you should remember when cooking for crowds is that you might have just earned yourself a well-deserved night off afterwards. Cooking for crowds is time consuming and should be approached when well rested (if that is even possible) for the best results. There is something that is actually very satisfying about knowing that you have fed a crowd and fed them well. 

 Whether you are a seasoned pro when it comes to the fine art of cooking or an utter novice there should be some cooking classes or resources in your area that can help you learn and improve your existing skills. Surprisingly few people manage to utilize the many wonderful opportunities that are available to them when it comes to cooking classes. 

If you are considering a cooking class you should be glad to know that many communities offer them for a nominal fee at night and sometimes on the weekend. These classes are rather basic and often designed to help women learn the basics of a few economical and healthy meals to prepare for their beginning families. If you fit the bill for this, then you should check out your local library for possible leads for these sorts of classes in your area. Even if they do not have the information available it is quite likely that they can point you in the right direction.

If you are looking for cooking classes that you can take with your children, check out your library once again for the first resource. There are also many gourmet food shops that offer cooking classes for parents to take with their children. This is a great opportunity to bond with your child while you both learn to prepare a new dish or two together. It is quite likely that you will be quite surprised by the things you can learn from your child as well as the things you can learn by simply taking the class. 

For those among us who are seeking culinary experience with very specific cuisines you will have to search a little more for the perfect cooking classes in which you can achieve your goal. They do exist however, though your chances of learning Thai cooking are much greater in a larger city than in smaller towns throughout the country. If you are really interested in learning some exotic cooking techniques perhaps you should consider a vacation in which you can try out a few new cooking classes while you are there. If you prefer other things on your vacation to cooking you could make a point of attempting one basic class in the cuisine of your choice for each vacation you take. This will give you a little more than the same old souvenir to bring back from your trip and an experience that in many cases is quite memorable.

Finally, if you are looking for a romantic idea, how about signing up to take a couples cooking class? Believe it or not, these classes are often offered in both big and smaller cities. They seem to be all the rage around Valentine's day, perhaps the hint is that the other partner in a relationship can share some of the cooking responsibility or perhaps the idea is that there is more than one way to steam up the kitchen.

Regardless of the reason for taking cooking classes they can bring not only a great deal of enjoyment to your dining room, but also increase your ease in your kitchen. If you've never taken a cooking class, there is no time like the present to do so. No matter how skilled you are in the kitchen there is always something that can be learned.

 Cooking in the heart of Cajun country is an art form. There really is very little science to this particular form of cooking that includes a lot more than mere lagniappe from the pantry or the spice cabinet. Cajun cooking is something that has often been imitated around the country and around the world but can very rarely be accurately duplicated.

One of the fascinating things about Cajun cooking is the fact that there are very few exact recipes. Most, if not all authentic Cajun cooking is done to taste rather than measurements. Even more amazing is that from day to day one person can make the same dish over and over and it is quite likely to taste a little bit different each and every time it is made. The major reason for this is that in addition to being an art form in and of itself, Cajun food is often made even more delicious or mysterious simply by the mood of the one doing the cooking.

I'm sure that many of you have watched as Emeril Lagasse makes some special concoction and exclaims "Bam!" there is a good bit of that when it comes to Cajun cooking. Something that goes far beyond the ingredients in the recipe and somewhere into the heart and the soul of the cook in question. There is a reason that many southern cooked dishes are referred to as soul food and you should not for one second forget that New Orleans is in the heart of the Deep South. 

The most difficult thing, perhaps when it comes to preparing good Cajun dishes outside of the New Orleans region is finding the right ingredients. It is nearly impossible to find the fresh seasonings and spices that are essential to most Cajun cuisine outside the heart of the old south. Not only that, but fresh crawfish and andouille sausage are a little difficult to come by during the heart of a Michigan winter.

If you are determined to learn to make Cajun food of your own, you must first find the ingredients. Specialty food shops or those that will special order might be your best bet. There are some grocers that will carry a limited stock of Cajun seasonings on their international food aisles. Keep in mind that these sources are extremely limited. Once you have the ingredients, it's time to let a little jazz blare from your speakers in order to set the mood. Most of the best Cajun dishes require a substantial amount of time for simmering and this should be considered. Cajun food is not to be rushed-much like the citizens of the Big Easy. The food will be ready in time and as the one cooking the food you must learn to accept that about Cajun food. It has a way of letting you know when it is ready that is almost mythical until you've experienced it for yourself. 

Cooking Cajun food will try your patience, try your talents, and in some cases zap your energy, as it tends to be an emotional process for many. On the other end however, Cajun food is some of the richest and most delicious food on the planet. Mastering the ability to cook this wonderful food will make you a slave to its flavor for many years to come.

 When it comes to cooking, it is important to keep in mind that everyone started somewhere. I do not know of a single person who was born with a wooden cooking spoon and ready to go. There is a lot of learning that must be done in order to become a prolific cook and then there is always room for improvement. Not only do you need to begin with the basics when it comes to cooking but you almost need to begin again when learning to cook a new cuisine such as Chinese, Thai, or Indian food. 

This means that at any given time in your cooking learning cycles there is quite probably someone somewhere that is better and/or worse at cooking than you. Take heart from this because even the best have bad days when it comes to cooking. There are many people who cook for different reasons. Some cook in order to eat and survive while others cook because they actually enjoy the process of cooking. Some cook during times of emotional upheaval and others cook out of sheer boredom. Whatever your reason for cooking or learning to cook you should always begin with the basics. 

The first thing that you need to learn is what the different terminology you will find in recipes actually means. There are many new and sometimes foreign sounding terms that you will find in common recipes. These terms can mean the difference in recipe success or failure. You should be able to find a good section in any inclusive cookbook that explains the different definitions for unfamiliar terminology. If you aren't absolutely certain what is meant by "folding in the eggs" it is in your best interests to look it up.

Another great bit of advice when it comes to cooking basics is to try simpler recipes for a while and then expand your horizons to the more complex recipes that abound. Most recipes will have a little note about their degree of difficulty and you can read through the recipe to see whether or not it is something you are interested in preparing or confident that you can prepare. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day and it will take quite some time to build a reliable 'repertoire' of recipes to work into your meal planning rotation.

The good news is that once you've learned the basics of cooking it is unlikely that you will ever need to relearn them. This means that you can constantly build up and expand your cooking skills. As you learn new recipes and improve your culinary skills and talents you will discover that preparing your own meals from scratch is much more rewarding than preparing prepackaged meals that are purchased from the shelves of your local supermarkets. 

You will also discover as your experience and confidence grows that you will find yourself more and more often improvising as you go and adjusting recipes to meet your personal preferences. If you prefer more or less of ingredients or want to make a recipe a little more or less spicy in flavor you can make simple adjustments along the way in order to achieve this goal. In other words you will begin in time to create recipes of your very own. And that is something you won't necessarily learn when it comes to basic cooking skills for beginners but you would never learn if you didn't master those basic cooking skills. 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Resep membuat Thai Tom Yam Soup | Cara membuat Soup Seafood

Cara mudah membuat Thai Tom Yam Soup untuk menu Appetizer, untuk halama resep-resep akan memberikan info bagaimana cara membuat resep Thai Tom Yam Soup, tetapi dari tahap yang admin berikan.. pemasak atau coock harus mengetahui pentingnnya standart memasak dan mengenal bahan-bahan apa saja yang admin tuliskan.

Berikut kita akan memulai dengan Bahan-Bahannya.

  • 1. - Cumi ( 20 gr )
  • 2. - Udang ( 2 pcs )
  • 3. - Potongan Ikan "Tanpa Duri" ( 20 gr )
  • 4. - Tom Yam Paste ( 10 gr )
  • 5. - Bumbu-Bumbu ( 20 gr )
  • 5. - Air Kaldu ( 35 gr )
  • 6. - Jamur ( 15 gr )
  • 7. - Daun Ketumbar ( 25 gr )
  • 8. - Cabe Rawit ( 25 gr )

Untuk Bumbu-Bumbu terdapat ( Chicken Knor, Kecap Ikan, Lada, Bawang putih Cincang. )

dan Air Kaldu terdapat ( Air Matang, Daun Bawang, Seledri, Bawang Bombay dan Tulang Sapi Atau Tulang Ayam. )

Jika bahan-bahan Sudah Siap maka sekarang kita melakukan Persiapan :

  • 1. - Siapkan Cumi dan di Potong dalam Bentuk Segitiga dan Bermotif Tikar "Tempatkan di wadah".
  • 2. - Siapkan udang dan Kupas cangkangnya lalu Buang Kepala udangnya "Tempatkan di wadah".
  • 3. - Siapkan Potongan Ikan tanpa duri dan Potong hingga Berbentuk Dadu Kecil-Kecil "Tempatkan di wadah".
  • 4. - Siapkan TomYam Paste, Chicken Knor, Kecap Ikan, Cabe Rawit, Lada, dan Bawang Putih " Bumbu-Bumbu " dan Jamur, Daun Ketumbar.
  • 5. - Siapkan Air Kaldu : Seperti , Air di Masak dengan daun Bawang, Seledri, Bawang Bombay dan Tulang ikan atau Tulang Ayam "Tempatkan di wadah".

Setelah persiapan Sudah terpenuhi, Maka kita langsung menuju Cara Pembuatannya.

  • 1. - Siapkan Tempat / Wadah, lalu Tumis Bawang Putih Masukan Air Kaldu, Garam, Lada, Chicken Konr, Cabe Rawit, Kecap ikan, Tom Yam Paste, dan Lanjut Memasukan Udang, Cumi dan Ikan, Lali di Rebus/Masak hingga Matang, dan hangatkan dengan merebus sambil menambahkan Daun ketumbar dan Potongan Jamur hingga Matang.
  • 2. - Jika sudah Siapkan Soup Seafood / Thai Tom Yam Soup dan Siap di Sajikan .

Pada Cara pembuatan, Jika sudah melakukan penyajian, maka di sajikan dengan cara menyusunkan Soup Seafood / Thai Tom Yam Soup dengan cantik, maka akan terlihat Lezat dan enak untuk di santap, jadi Selamat mencoba untuk Sajian Lezat Thai Tom Yam Soup / Soup Seafood di tempat anda, dan Sampai Sini Resep untuk membuat Thai Tom Yam Soup / Soup Seafood sudah admin bahas, namun admin akan menuliskan beberapa Resep untuk di halaman Resep-resep yang Lezat, jadi jangan sampai ketinggalan ya,, Terimakasih.

Resep membuat Calamari Fritti | Cara membuat Cumi Goreng

Cara mudah membuat Calamari Fritti untuk menu Appetizer, untuk halama resep-resep akan memberikan info bagaimana cara membuat resep Calamari Fritti, tetapi dari tahap yang admin berikan.. pemasak atau coock harus mengetahui pentingnnya standart memasak dan mengenal bahan-bahan apa saja yang admin tuliskan.

Berikut kita akan memulai dengan Bahan-Bahannya.

  • 1. - Squid Ring "Cumi cincin lingkaran" ( 60 gr )
  • 2. - Telur ( 1 gr )
  • 3. - Tepung Roti ( 30 gr )
  • 4. - Tepung Terigu ( 10 gr )
  • 5. - Bumbu-Bumbu ( 20 gr )
  • 6. - Coleslaw ( 15 gr )
  • 7. - Tar-Tar Dressing ( 25 gr )

Untuk Bumbu-Bumbu terdapat ( Lada, Garam, Chicken Knor, L&P Sauce dan Jeruk Nipis

Jika bahan-bahan Sudah Siap maka sekarang kita melakukan Persiapan :

  • 1. - Siapkan Cumi Potong Lingkaran "diWadah", dan Telur Kocok "diWadah", Tepung Terigu "diWadah" dan Tepung Roti "diWadah".
  • 2. - Siapkan Jeruk Nipis, dan L&P Sauce, Chicken Knor, Lada dan Garam.
  • 3. - Siapkan Tar-Tar Dressing dan Coleslaw

Setelah persiapan Sudah terpenuhi, Maka kita langsung menuju Cara Pembuatannya.

  • 1. - Cumi yang di potong lingkaran lalu diberi Bumbu-Bumbu seperti (Lada, Garam, Chicken Knor, L&P Sauce dan Jeruk Nipis).
  • 2. - Cumi yang sudah diberikan Bumbu-Bumbu seperti contoh Nomor.1, Maka di baluri Tepung terigu dan Masukan Kewadah Telur kocok, lalu di baluri lagi ke Tepung Roti.
  • 3. - Jika No.2 sudah di persiapakn beberapa cumi seperti pepbuatan No.2 dan yang akan kita sajikan, Maka Siapkan penggorangan dengan Isi minyak goreng sesuai Takaran yang sesuai, lalu Goreng Calamari "no.2" Hingga Kuning Kecoklatan.
  • 4. - Jika sudah Siapkan Cumi Goreng / Calamari Fritti dan Sajikan dengan Tar-Tar Dressing dan Coleslaw.

Pada Cara pembuatan, Jika sudah melakukan penyajian, maka di sajikan dengan cara menyusunkan Cumi Goreng / Calamari Fritti dengan cantik, maka akan terlihat Lezat dan enak untuk di santap, jadi Selamat mencoba untuk Sajian Lezat Calamari Fritti / Cumi Goreng di tempat anda, dan Sampai Sini Resep untuk membuat Calamari Fritti / Cumi Goreng sudah admin bahas, namun admin akan menuliskan beberapa Resep untuk di halaman Resep-resep yang Lezat, jadi jangan sampai ketinggalan ya,, Terimakasih.


Resep Masakan atau Resep Makanan

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